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Dec 25, 2006

No one should be stinking one should starve!

There are many people who think that snatching away wealth of the rich and distributing it among the poor can cure societies inequalities!

Here is what I think...

If you simply distribute the money among the less fortunate, they are unlikely to have a reason to work and contribute to the society. The world will fall short of manpower!

If you take away all the hard earned riches of people, there will be no incentive for people to do better than their peers. People would no longer work to better themselves. The world will stagnate in a particular state.

But it is unfair that the rich should get richer while millions starve for no fault of theirs. It is unfair that a handful of stars, singers and sportsmen should earn millions in a single event, while scientists, teachers, nurses slog it out their entire lives for much much less!

What I would suggest is the following...

No one should be allowed to inherit his ancestral property. Every person, shen he/she becomes a major, should be given a standard amount of money/property of a value which should be fixed for everyone. Then he/she should start building his riches from there on his/her own. After the death of a person, his/her property should go to the state to facilitate supplies for younger people who turn 18. This way, every person would work to earn his/her own pleasures and everyone would start from an even platform... so no more cribbing about your neighbor being born richer!

Next, I think there should be a ceiling on how much a person is allowed to earn. What I mean is, a person should be able to earn more if he works more, but there should be a maximum limit for how much one can earn. This ceiling will prevent huge differences between the rich and the poor. Beyond this value, any additional contribution to the society should be recognized in the form of awards and recognitions, so that the incentive to perform still remains.

All individuals should be treated equally in terms of remuneration and awards in their profession. What I mean is, a Wimbledon winner should be paid the maximum possible limit as described in the paragraph above, and awarded the recognitin he deserves. Similarly, a very dedicated nurse, teacher, plumber or scientist should be paid the ceiling limit and awarded for his/her contribution. A Grammy awards winner should be treated no differently, and Bill Gates should also have the same cap on his earnings. All the remaining revenue earned should go to the state to spend in infrastructure, research and the 18 yr olds who get ready to springboard into their independent lives!

Greatness should be measured by the recognitions a person receives for his/her contributions rather that the riches he accumulates.

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